Realistic & Complicated

Where I’ll Be Good

Wanting leads to worse than oddity.
The bones creak like bamboo in wind,
and strain toward a better life outside the body,
the life anything has that isn’ t human.

Feel the chair under you? What does it want?
Does lust bend it silly, like a rubber crutch?
Tell a tree about the silky clasp of cunt.
It won’ t shift an inch. It won’ t ache to touch.

Cozy Apologia

I could pick anything and think of you —
This lamp, the wind-still rain, the glossy blue
My pen exudes, drying matte, upon the page.
I could choose any hero, any cause or age
And, sure as shooting arrows to the heart,
Astride a dappled mare, legs braced as far apart
As standing in silver stirrups will allow —

Female Masculinity

Two guys sucking each other in the steam room
didn’ t want anything
to do with me, evidently —
I left them to their comedy.


Legato longings:
wish for walnuts, wish for water,
wish to exorcise this morning’ s debauch —
two Fauré nocturnes.


In slow motion
Steve tussled with a motorcycle
trying to run me over
on the boulevard of moon smut

Between Here & There


Let me speak with expressive

hesitation & a feeling for

interment why even

lineate what isn’ t broken by

music let me speak with

inextricable reluctance.

I want to tear the heart

from refused convalescence

& feed it those long fronds

of river bed grass. I want to

tear the heart out of style

& put it between

utter thrall & the infancy

of all things impure.

Torn out, a flame thickens

between us as if

not right now we’ ll be

ripped from this life

Genius Loci


Make it
the place
it was then,

so full it split
vision to live
there in winter

so late & wet
toppled toward

awful — birds
of paradise
a profusion

the ripe colors
of anodized
metal; in gutters

like pigeons,

bent ribs bright
among black
slack fluttering;

pink imagoes

into water
& rotting,
sweet stink —

& did not
stop :
the inundated

Fish or Like Fish

He startled to see a statue of blind
justice really did loom over the courtroom. But
remained determined to scorn symbolism.
She needed a quarter to call her lover —
the docket was full, she’ d be late for lunch —
and he gave her one. It was not a taunt,
acquiescence, wager, or plea. It was
a quarter. The fact that they had done this —
even this! — together and cordially,
