They've been so long above it all,
those two petals
so steeped in style they seem to stall
in the kettle
simmering over the town dump
or, better still,
the neon-flashed, X-rated rump
of fresh roadkill
courtesy of the interstate
that Eisenhower
would overtake in the home straight
by one horsepower,
the kettle where it all boils down
to the thick scent
of death, a scent of such renown
it's given vent
to the idea buzzards can spot
a deer carcass
a mile away, smelling the rot
as, once, Marcus
Aurelius wrinkled his nose
at a gas leak
from the Great Sewer that ran through Rome
to the Tiber
then went searching out, through the gloam,
one subscriber
to the other view that the rose,
full-blown, antique,
its no-frills ruff, the six-foot shrug
of its swing-wings,
the theologian's and the thug's
twin triumphings
in a buzzard's shaved head and snood,
its logic in all likelihood
somewhat fuzzy,
would ever come into focus,
it ever deign
to dispense its hocus-pocus
in that same vein
as runs along an inner thigh
to where, too right,
the buzzard vouchsafes not to shy
away from shite,
its mission not to give a miss
to a bête noire,
all roly-poly, full of piss
and vinegar,
trying rather to get to grips
with the grommet
of the gut, setting its tinsnips
to that grommet
in the spray-painted hind's hindgut
and making a
sweeping, too right, a sweeping cut
that's so blasé
it's hard to imagine, dear Sis,
why others shrink
from this sight of a soul in bliss,
so in the pink
from another month in the red
of the shambles,
like a rose in over its head
among brambles,
unflappable in its belief
it's Ararat
on which the Ark would come to grief,
abjuring that
Marcus Aurelius humbug
about what springs
from earth succumbing to the tug
at its heartstrings,
reported to live past fifty,
as you yet may,
dear Sis, perhaps growing your hair
in requital,
though briefly, of whatever tears
at your vitals,
learning, perhaps, from the nifty,
nay thrifty, way
these buzzards are given to stoop
and take their ease
by letting their time-chastened poop
fall to their knees
till they're almost as bright with lime
as their night roost,
their poop containing an enzyme
that's known to boost
their immune systems, should they prong
themselves on small
bones in a cerebral cortex,
at no small cost
to their well-being, sinking fast
in a deer crypt,
buzzards getting the hang at last
of being stripped
of their command of the vortex
while having lost
their common touch, they've been so long
above it all.