Water Poppies Open as the Mouth

The Body as Nature, History

All motivations intermingle as the core of history, the internal becomes external... all as parts of the body.
— maurice merleau-ponty

i. the positing of space, corporeal history

medium of my body

bent to narrow rivers,

touching of the touch

totem to shape:

jasmine buds,

water poppies open as the mouth.

Propolis and juniper oil

resinous viscera
embowered in trees,

life wholly aware of itself
unbound and unsealed.

ii. into the language of seeing

eyes gather seed —

perception as hive
a bud of gold, a gold of blood

apportioned in time

four wings fastened by a row of resolutions

reeved through revelation,

place-world awoken,
obscurity bonded to light.