Short poem
XXXVI from The Arab Apocalypse
In the dark irritation of the eyes there is a snake hiding
In the exhalations of Americans there is a crumbling empire
In the foul waters of the rivers there are Palestinians
OUT OUT of its borders pain has a leash on its neck
In the wheat stalks there are insects vaccinated against bread
In the Arabian boats there are sharks shaken with laughter
In the camel’ s belly there are blind highways
OUT OUT of TIME there is spring’ s shattered hope
In the deluge on our plains there are no rains but stones
Air as lost time
Voice of a cloud, of a ghost crowned with nimbus
Smack-thin, it lingers forty years
I thought it came from the jeweled world we’ d seen
Everything stuffed, urgent, glittering alive
But it was just pleasure, blank and sure
Now what is there to sing
From speakers, the tune folds and fades in waves
Earphones drive it through your head
7 December
On Last Lines
The last line should strike like a lover’ s complaint.
You should never see it coming.
And you should never hear the end of it.
On Normandy
Fate piles up
On the bloody Norman shore.
If you must swim there
Swim on your back.
Swift and subtle
The flying shuttle
Crosses the web
And fills the loom,
Leaving for range
Of choice or change
No room, no room.
First Rites
Master of PuppetsKung-Fu Theater