Stone worn
Pristine thorns
Sheep shorn
Tinkling below
Roofless walls
Rooks overlook
I told you so
Babbles the brook
Stone worn
Pristine thorns
Sheep shorn
Tinkling below
Roofless walls
Rooks overlook
I told you so
Babbles the brook
Here and there
White hairs appear
On my chest —
Age seasons me
Gives me zest —
I am a sage
In the making
Sprinkled, shaking
In their doorways women sit sewing
By the good light of afternoon
And nothing is beyond knowing
Though the sun shall go down soon
A shepherdess near a bramble ditch
And the Princess in the Alcazar
Keep the same precise stitch
And they both can see far
And when the knell tolls
All are wondering who —
If it is a lady, many bells
For a beggar, one will do
So they stood
Upon ladders
With pruning hooks
Backs to the king
Who took his leave
Of gardening
This morning
I am forlorn
As he was then
No one born
After the war
Remembers when
The niche narrows
Hones one thin
Until his bones
Disclose him
His body ahead
Of him on the bed
He faces his feet
Sees himself dead,
A corpse complete
With legs and chest
And belly between
Swelling the scene
Of the crime you left,
Taking your time,
Angel of Death
Water opens without end
At the bow of the ship
Rising to descend
Away from it
Days become one
I am who I was
more than the black
which it displaces —
Upon any fine day
I jump these traces
The kids fighting
over 4 or 5 pennies
my ears ringing
bent to the shape
of the spring moon I
am a crybaby
The present tense
is the body’ s past tense
here; hence
the ghost sludge of hands
on the now gray strip
of towel hanging limp
from the jammed dispenser;
hence the mirror
squinting through grime
at grime, and the worn-
to-a-sliver of soiled soap
on the soiled sink.
The streaked bowl,